Code of Conduct

By registering for the ISPS international congress 2026 you agree to the Code of Conduct for this event and agree to abide by it in order to help create a positive, respectful and safe enviroment for everyone.


General behaviour:
All those present, both on site and virtually, are to be treated respectfully and professionally at all times.
Courtesy and consideration are standard behaviour and different opinions must be respected. Discrimination, threats, harassment or any other form of offensive, disruptive or inappropriate behaviour (verbal, non-verbal, physical or sexual) will not be tolerated. This also includes general misbehaviour caused by the consumption of alcohol or other substances. Moderate and responsible use of alcohol is a is a prerequisite.

Behaviour during presentations:
Attention is paid to punctual attendance at any presentation. Disturbances such as noise or large movements are kept to a minimum as soon as a presentation has started. Mobile phones and other electronic devices must be muted during presentations. Questions during presentations should be asked respectfully and on topic and should be limited to the designated discussion rounds.

Privacy policy:
All presentations are protected by copyright. The recording, live streaming or photographing of presentations or contributions requires the prior authorisation of the presenter/author.
During the event, the privacy of others will be respected and the consent of others will be obtained before taking photos or videos of public spaces. Social media engagement is encouraged as a matter of professionalism and respect, but no confidential or sensitive information may be shared.

Personal belongings:
All attendees are responsible for their own personal belongings. All personal belongings should be kept in sight at all times - unattended items may trigger security alarms. Electronic devices and mobile phones must be switched to silent mode during presentations.

The booking confirmation (electronic or printed) must be carried throughout the event site. All participants may be asked to show their booking confirmation and identification at any time. Badges or ID cards issued at registration must be worn visibly during the event. The misuse of badges and admission tickets (e.g. passing them on or transferring them to other persons) is prohibited.

Health and safety:
In case of emergency, the instructions of the event staff and the local authorities must be followed. On arrival, it is advisable to familiarise yourself with the location of the emergency exits and first aid stations. If you feel unwell or notice that others need help, inform the event staff immediately.

Environmental Responsibility:
We actively contribute to maintaining a clean and sustainable environment and dispose of waste properly in the designated containers. Recycling facilities, where available, are used correctly and unnecessary use of resources is minimised.

Non-compliance and consequences

If you experience or observe inappropriate behaviour, please report this immediately to the congress staff or security service. Reports will be taken seriously and treated confidentially wherever possible.
Violations of the Code of Conduct may result in immediate expulsion from the congress without refund. Serious offences will be reported to the local law enforcement authorities. The organiser and host reserve the right to enforce these rules to ensure the safety and well-being of all attendending persons. They also reserve the right to exclude individuals from future participation in any event they organise due to previous violations.